Winter Emergency Supplies Checklist for People with Disabilities

If a winter weather emergency occurs, you could be stuck at home for days with nowhere to go. Schools and workplaces could be closed, and access to healthcare, groceries, power, and transportation could be disrupted.

Because winter storms come in all shapes and sizes – and because they can come out of nowhere – it’s important that people with disabilities take steps to prepare ahead of time. The more prepared you are, the more resilient you’ll be in the face of winter weather.

Below is a checklist of some of the supplies you may want to keep on hand in case you have to shelter in place during extreme winter weather.


Food & Water




Additional Information


Publication Code: DPR26

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Disclaimer: Disability Rights Texas strives to update its materials on an annual basis, and this handout is based upon the law at the time it was written. The law changes frequently and is subject to various interpretations by different courts. Future changes in the law may make some information in this handout inaccurate.

The handout is not intended to and does not replace an attorney’s advice or assistance based on your particular situation.

To request this handout in ASL, Braille, or as an audio file, contact us.