Who We Are – Video Transcript

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Many people who are deaf or have other disabilities face barriers of discrimination, ignorance, negative assumptions and stereotypes about what people with disabilities can—or cannot do.

Disability Rights Texas was established to help people remove those barriers to achieve their personal goals and dreams.

We are a nonprofit agency that receives federal funds. We advocate for, protect and advance the rights of disabled Texans which are legal, personal and service rights. We have fourteen offices in Texas. Our locations can be found at our website. www.DisabilityRightsTx.org


Disability Rights Texas provides legal and advocacy services to people with disabilities, including people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Our work focuses on eliminating discrimination related to disabilities.

Some example legal issues we can help with are: Employment Housing Voting Rights Health Care Special Education Americans with Disabilities Act

We can provide assistance for other issues as well, so please contact us if you would like more information on how we might be able to help you. Please know that we do not generally work on non-disability issues such as divorces or wills.


  • Providing assistance to people who are deaf or have other disabilities their rights are threatened or broken law;
  • Protecting the rights of people who are deaf or have other disabilities through the justice system; and
  • Advocating for laws and public policies that protect and advance the rights of people who are deaf or have other disabilities.

We are committed to maintaining the rights of people who are deaf or have other disabilities; we must use our money and work wisely. To determine which problems we will accept, the problem must satisfy one of our priorities. These priorities are developed with community meetings occasionally. If you feel issues important to you are not one of our current priorities, please let us know so that we will consider your issue when we meet to discuss our future priorities. To see what our current priorities are, please look at our web site.



Check our website at www.DisabilityRightsTx.org for our regular hours, Monday through Friday. That is when we can talk with you and we can collect some basic information about you like name, address, phone number, and your problem. Sometimes questions or issues can be answered quickly, other times the issue may be assigned to another of our advocacy workers or if we can’t help, we will refer out.