Welcome to our New Website

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Mary Faithfull, Executive Director

Our new DRTx website launched TODAY, August 22, 2018, and we’re thrilled to share its up-to-date accessibility features and content with our followers. DRTx worked with AccessibilityOz, an award-winning accessibility consultancy, to create the user interface, accessible navigation, and updated designs for our new website. DRTx staff has worked over the past several months to organize stories and update content for the launch.

One of the most exciting additions to the new site is a unique assistive technology, BrowseAloud. BrowseAloud features include a direct translation of our website into different languages, screen reader, magnifier, hover highlighting, dictionary, pronunciation assistance, and more.

To keep you informed with how DRTx is advancing the rights of people with disabilities, we’ve dedicated a page to sharing our client success stories. We will be adding more stories moving forward.

And our new staff blog (that you are reading right now) will take the place of our Director’s Update so that you can hear from me and other staff on all the latest issues that you need to know about.

I’d like to offer a very special thank you to the Texas Access to Justice Foundation for the special grant funding that made this new website possible.

Please explore the new site and let us know your thoughts!