College Students Eligible for Federal Financial Aid to Cover COVID-19 Related Expenses

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Apply Now Due to Limited Funding

In recent weeks, many college students have found themselves struggling to deal with changes to their education and financial situation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. They have had to deal with the stress of transitioning to online learning, the closure of university residences, and the cancellation of graduation ceremonies.

Many of these changes are accompanied by unforeseen financial burdens. Some students have had to purchase technology in order to keep up with distance learning, while others have sought emergency food and housing. The federal CARES Act, or Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, includes economic relief for these students affected by COVID-19 related expenses.

In early April, the Department of Education distributed more than $6 billion in emergency relief funds to colleges and universities nationwide. While colleges and universities can grant this cash aid at their discretion, students can also apply for CARES Act relief.

Any student who qualifies for FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), regardless of whether the student has actually applied in the past, is eligible for emergency CARES Act support and can apply today. Because funds are limited, we encourage students to apply as soon as possible. Students need only demonstrate that they have incurred expenses related to campus disruptions in food, housing, course material, technology, health care, or child care. 

If you are a student who qualifies for FAFSA, or have filled out a FAFSA application, you can apply for emergency relief today by visiting your school’s website and clicking on the link to an application for CARES Act funds.

If you have a hard time finding the school’s link to the application, a simple Google search that includes the name of your school and the phrase “CARES ACT” should take you to the school’s application page. Your school’s Office of Financial Aid will also be able to assist you in finding an application, as will the Office of Disability Services in case you need an application in an accessible format.

You can also ask Disability Rights Texas for help by submitting an online request at or calling 1-800-252-9108.

Learn more about student federal aid under the CARES Act.