Be Counted…By Text!

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by Kerri Carr, DRTx Outreach Director

As the Outreach Manager it is my job to stay updated on many things including the census. I’m happy to report that as of June 12, 2020, over 90 million households have responded to the 2020 Census. Four out of every five households responded online.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Census Bureau has extended the self-response phase to October 31, 2020. So there is still time to respond.

And now, you can complete the census by text! Just text “RespondNow” to 313131 and click on the link in the reply text from the Census Bureau. You will then click the green respond button to complete the census. It’s that simple!

In person follow up with households who have not responded to the Census will begin in August. The Census Bureau reports that Census takers will be provided Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and trained on how to use it in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

And here’s a question I hear a lot: “With so much happening in our country, I haven’t had a chance to respond. Do I still need to respond?”

My answer is “Yes!” The 2020 Census is still underway and the most important thing you can do is respond online, by phone or mail when you receiving your invitation. Responding now will minimize the need for the Census Bureau to send Census takers into communities to follow up.  So respond now and be counted.

Responding ensures your household is counted. It is important. Where there are more people there are more needs. The count is used when determining funding for vital needs including disaster preparedness and response. Make sure your community gets funding and critical resources it needs to weather disaster by being counted today.

For more information, go to the U.S. Census website.