
Tell Us How Ready You Are for Disasters

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Update: The 2023 Disaster Resilience Survey of Texans with Disabilities is now closed.

If you live in Texas, you know that a disaster can strike at any moment – it’s a question of when, not if. Because disasters and emergencies are a constant threat, it’s important for people with disabilities to be ready so you don’t have to get ready. So how prepared are you? Tell us!

Disability Rights Texas (DRTx) is conducting the 2023 Disaster Resilience Survey of Texans with Disabilities. Your responses will help DRTx understand how prepared Texans with disabilities are and identify the needs in the community.

The survey is for:

  • people with disabilities,
  • people who support people with disabilities, and
  • other people with a connection to the disability community.

The survey asks what you’re worried about, how prepared you are, what supplies you keep on hand, and more. With the survey results, DRTx could create new resources, develop education and training for the community, guide advocacy and policy initiatives, and educate emergency managers about the needs of the disability community.

American Sign Language (ASL) speakers can complete the survey via video phone call. To complete the survey, call DRTx at one of the video phone numbers below. The video phone lines are open Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Central Time. If there’s no answer, please leave a video message and we’ll call you back within a few days.

  • Sign Language Video Phone: 1-866-362-2851
  • Purple 2 Video Phone: 1-512-271-9391

The survey is available in English and Spanish. The deadline to complete the survey is May 15, 2023. If you need help completing the survey, or need it in a different format, email disaster@drtx.org or call 1-800-948-1824.

Surveys links: