
Stay cool and stay safe

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Summer is here, and that’s not always a good thing.

Texas is hot, and it’s going to get hotter. As temperatures rise and we see more extreme heat and wildfires, more people with disabilities and service animals may face dangerous – even life-threatening – conditions.

With recent temperatures already exceeding 100° across many parts of the state, the time to prepare is now. Below are some things you can do to stay safe.

  • Know what’s up: watch the weather so you know when extreme heat is coming and make sure you understand the different heat-related warnings.
  • Stay cool: before the heat arrives, prepare your home to keep the hot air out and the cool air in. And know where your local cooling centers are if you have to leave.
  • Signs of illness: understand heat-related illness so you know what symptoms to look for and what to do.
  • Wildfires: take proactive steps to protect your home from wildfires and create your own wildfire action plan.

For more information about these tips and others, see our new resource: