The videos below are provided in American Sign Language (ASL) and cover issues related to supported decision-making. For additional resources, visit our Supported Decision-Making Resources Page.

Supported Decision Making in Action: Dawn and Belinda

About OzPlayer


Supported Decision Making in Action: Timberley and Tonya

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Understanding Supported Decision-Making

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Supported Decision-Making?

A message from

Disability Rights Texas.

RICKY: Hello, my name is

Ricky Broussard

and I'm at Disability Rights Texas.

I'm here to talk to you today

about supported decision-making.


Supported decision-making

is a way for people

with disabilities

to keep our rights and

make our own choices

with help from others

instead of having a guardian

who makes decisions for us.


RICKY: People say guardians

make it easier,

but once you have a guardian

that guardian has control

over you.

A guardian is decided by a judge

and you do not have control over

any important decisions

that need to be made.

It shouldn't be that way

because it's about

the individual's life,

it's not about their life.

NARRATOR: Under guardianship,

you can lose the right to choose

where you live, how you

spend your money,

who you spend your time with,

and other important decisions.

Supported decision-making.


Supported decision-making

it's all about the individual.

It helps us make

the right decision

for ourself and our life.

If you need help

making decisions,

choose someone

that you trust.

It doesn't have to be

a family member.

It could be somebody

at school you trust

or somebody at work you trust.

After you choose somebody

to support you,

you tell them what

you need support on

and how they can help you.

Some of the things that

your supporter can help you do

is going to the grocery store,

or make medical decisions,

or with where you live.

Or they could help over

your finances.

In my support team, I let

everybody know,

"Okay, this is what I need

decisions on,

and this is what I need

you to help me with."

After I hear the pros

and cons of the decision,

that's when I make

the final decision

on whatever choice I make.

We all need help

to make decisions.

We have to make decisions

every day.

Your rights should not

be taken away

just because you need help.

NARRATOR: To learn more,

ask for the free book called

Making My Own Choices,

by calling 512-454-4816

or toll free at 800-252-9108

or by video phone, toll free,

at 866-362-2851

or by visiting

This video was brought to you

by Disability Rights Texas.

Find us on the web at

Financial support for this video

is provided by

the Texas Council for

Developmental Disabilities

with federal funds made available by

the US Department of Health

and Human Services

Administration on

Developmental Disabilities.

The views contained herein

do not necessarily reflect

the position or policy

of the funding agencies.

Produced by Rooted in Rights

End of transcript.