For information related to this topic that is provided in American Sign Language (ASL), visit our Accessibility Videos in ASL Page.

Our agency helps ensure that people with disabilities have full access to private businesses and to government facilities, programs and services. This work includes legal advocacy to remove architectural and technology barriers. It can also include ensuring that necessary aids and services are provided for people with communication disabilities, such as sign language interpreters for people with deafness and Braille text for people with visual impairments.

If you are experiencing access issues because of your disability, please see our How to Apply for Services page for more information.

Featured Resources

How to Be Your Own Advocate

Watch this short video to learn how to be your own advocate so you can overcome barriers and get what you need. Watch the video “How to Be Your Own Advocate”

How to File a Complaint Under Titles II and III of the ADA

Title II of the ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability by state and local governments. Title III prohibits discrimination based on disability in public accommodations. Learn how to file a Title II or Title III complaint. Continue reading “How to File a Complaint Under Titles II and III of the ADA”


10 Self-Advocacy Tips

Self-advocacy is when you let others know what’s important to you so you can influence decisions that will affect your life. Continue reading “10 Self-Advocacy Tips”

Court-Appointed Attorneys as a Disability Accommodation in Civil Cases

Get answers to frequently asked questions about requesting a court-appointed attorney as a disability accommodation in a civil case. Continue reading “Court-Appointed Attorneys as a Disability Accommodation in Civil Cases”

Sample Letter: Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation in Court

Use this sample letter if you are involved in a court case and need to request a reasonable accommodation that is related to a disability. Continue reading “Sample Letter: Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation in Court”

Resources for Creating Accessible Online Communications

Resources government agencies, businesses, and others can use to make their online communications accessible for people with disabilities. Continue reading “Resources for Creating Accessible Online Communications”

Ensuring Equal Access to Justice for Those Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Every day, Texas Justices of the Peace (JPs) interact with individuals whose lives are being directly impacted by our justice system. Some of these individuals are deaf or hard of hearing. This handout provides guidelines to assist Texas JPs in understanding and fulfilling the court’s legal obligation. Continue reading “Ensuring Equal Access to Justice for Those Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing”

HEB Providing “Talking” Prescriptions: Collaboration between HEB, ACB Texas, and DRTx

HEB announced that it provides ScripTalk talking prescription labels for prescription medications through nine of its Austin and San Antonio area retail pharmacies. The ScripTalk labels provide a safe, confidential, and convenient way to access information on prescription labels for individuals who cannot read standard print. Continue reading “HEB Providing “Talking” Prescriptions: Collaboration between HEB, ACB Texas, and DRTx”


DRTx Legal Tip: Rights and Responsibilities of Service Animal Owners

In this video, a Disability Rights Texas attorney talks about the rights and responsibilities of service animal owners. The video covers the difference between service animals and support animals, where service animals are allowed, and what questions others can ask you about your service animal. Watch the video “DRTx Legal Tip: Rights and Responsibilities of Service Animal Owners”