To apply for our services, you will go through our intake process either online, by phone, or by sign language phone. To get an idea about what information you’ll need to provide during intake, and also what to expect once your intake is complete, read the information below or watch the DRTx Intake Process video.

Information You Provide

During intake, we’ll ask you to provide the following information:

  • Your name, address, and phone number, so that we can reach you later if we have more questions.
  • The nature of your disability.
  • Some facts about your problem (what happened and when, why, and how it happened) to help us determine how best to help you.

If you have documents related to your issue, have that information ready when you go through intake, whether online or by phone.

After You Apply

Once we have completed your intake, we will contact you about your case within 10 business days. If we are able to investigate your claims or accept your case, you will receive an acceptance letter.

If we cannot help you directly, we may be able to provide useful information and referrals. You can also visit our Other Sources for Help page for information about other organizations, programs, and services that could help you.

If we deny your request for services and you are dissatisfied with this decision, you can file a case denial appeal. A case denial appeal must be filed within 20 days of the denial letter. For information about filing a case denial appeal, visit our Appeals and Complaints Process page.

Next Steps

See How We Decide What Cases We Take to learn about what we consider when making decisions, and also to learn about what we don’t do. If you are ready to go through the intake process, visit How to Apply for Services to get started.