Basic Guide to Polling Place Accessibility

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This is a basic guide to accessibility to assist in identifying barriers and potential solutions to ensure access to voters with disabilities. Election officials should select fully accessible polling places and use the ADA Checklist for Polling Places to conduct the full Department of Justice accessibility survey.

Parking and Drop-Off Areas

  • If parking is provided, at least one van accessible parking spot that is nearest to the accessible entrance must be provided for every 25 regular parking spaces.
  • The van accessible parking space should have an adjacent access aisle at least 8 feet wide.
  • Accessible parking spots should be relatively level and not have loose gravel or dirt.
  • If a drop-off area is provided, it should be level and have an access aisle that is at least 5 feet deep and 20 feet long where people can access entrance (near ramp if necessary).
  • Solutions: Traffic cones can be used to mark accessible parking spaces and access aisles. Heavy duty mats can be used to level out uneven surfaces.

Paths of Travel (AKA Access Route)

  • There must be an accessible path from the accessible parking spot(s) to the building entrance and voting area.
  • The access route must be at least 36 inches wide and free of steps or level changes more than ½ inch.
  • If the accessible route crosses traffic, a marked crosswalk should be used.
  • Where the route crosses a curb, a curb cut or temporary ramp should be used.
  • Ramps can’t be steep. For every 1 inch high, a ramp must be at least 12 inches long.

Preventing Obstructions for Voters Who are Blind or Have Low Vision

  • People who are blind or low vision can easily run into objects that hang from above (like tree limbs), are open beneath (like staircases), or protrude from the side (like trophy cases).
  • Solution: Place a barrier (such as a traffic cone) within 27 inches of the floor so a cane can detect the obstruction.

Entrance to Polling Place and Voting Area

  • Doorways must be at least 32 inches wide.
  • Thresholds must not be more than ½ inch high at door.
  • No heavy doors. Interior door should be opened with no more than five pounds of force.
  • No slick, round door handles. Doors with handles, pulls, latches and other operable parts that accommodate a loose grip are preferred.
  • Do inaccessible entrances have signage directing voters to the unlocked, accessible entrance?
  • Solutions: If door is too heavy to open easily, adjust door closer, disconnect operating arm, or prop door open on Election Day. If smooth round handles are on door, use temporary hardware or prop door open. If a threshold is too high, use a temporary threshold ramp on each side that is too high.

Voting Area

  • An accessible voting machine on wheelchair accessible booth should be located along an accessible path in a location that ensures privacy.
  • Accessible voting machines should be turned on and ready to use during voting hours.

For help, call Disability Rights Texas’ Voting Hotline at 1-888-796-VOTE (8683) or e-mail


Last updated: June 24, 2024
Publication Code: HA09

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Disclaimer: Disability Rights Texas strives to update its materials on an annual basis, and this handout is based upon the law at the time it was written. The law changes frequently and is subject to various interpretations by different courts. Future changes in the law may make some information in this handout inaccurate.

The handout is not intended to and does not replace an attorney’s advice or assistance based on your particular situation.

To request this handout in ASL, Braille, or as an audio file, contact us.

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