AISD holds Q&A over strongly opposed TEA special education proposal

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From CBS Austin:

“The clock is ticking for Austin ISD Board of Trustees to vote on the Texas Education Agency’s controversial order that would appoint a team of monitors over its special education department.

On Monday Austin ISD’s Special Education Board Ad Hoc Committee held a virtual Q&A session to hear concerns from the community and detail what’s at stake.

“’If the board does not agree to the proposed order, there will be sanctions,’” said AISD attorney Christine Badillo.

Steven Aleman with Disability Rights Texas says the assistance is needed to help AISD catch up on hundreds of back logs that have prevented students from receiving timely evaluations among other compliance grievances.

“’It’s very clear that there have been long standing problems with the school district’s ability to meet the needs of students with disabilities. So, we do welcome the appointment of a special education monitor,’” he said.

Read the full article.