Federal Trial Against Texas’ Anti-Voter Law S.B. 1 Begins

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From a Press Release From League of Woman Voters:

Lawsuit argues that Senate Bill 1 violates numerous federal laws.

A federal judge will hear arguments starting today in a consolidated trial against Texas’ controversial anti-voter law Senate Bill 1. The trial is scheduled to last several weeks.

Texas politicians passed the sweeping bill during a special legislative session in the fall of 2021 following months of protests and a quorum break that brought the legislature to a standstill.

At trial, plaintiffs OCA-Greater Houston (OCA-GH), the League of Women Voters of Texas (LWVTX), and REVUP-Texas (REVUP), who are represented by the Texas Civil Rights Project, the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Texas, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education FundDisability Rights Texas, and the law firm Jenner & Block LLP, are challenging provisions of S.B. 1 that criminalize certain types of mail-voting assistance and certain types of political speech in the “physical presence” of a ballot.


Read the full Press Release