Groups Work To Close Gap In Voter Turnout Between Texans With Disabilities And Those Without

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“Advocates say they’re hoping to register more Texans with disabilities ahead of the constitutional amendment election in November and the presidential primaries next year.

Across the country, voter turnout among people with disabilities is lower than those without disabilities.

During an event in Austin on Tuesday, activists began training to become deputy voter registrars who will reach out to the disability community, specifically.

There are an estimated 2 million registered voters with disabilities in Texas. Disability rights groups have been working to increase that bloc of voters for about three years.

Part of that work involves recruiting people to register voters, said Jeff Miller, a policy specialist with Disability Rights Texas. He said it’s important for those folks to have a lot of information about what they should do when helping people with disabilities.”

Read the full story on the High Plains Public Radio website.