Harris County, DOJ reach settlement over poll access for voters with disabilities

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“The U.S. Department of Justice will monitor Harris County elections, at county expense, for up to four years under the settlement of a federal lawsuit over inadequate access to polling places for voters with disabilities…Under the agreement, Harris County will have to make minor accessibility improvements to as many as 300 of its 750 regular voting sites, hire two outside election experts to supervise balloting and designate an in-house Americans with Disabilities Act compliance officer…A spokeswoman for Disability Rights Texas, an advocacy group Justice Department lawyers consulted as they drafted the settlement offer, said the group is pleased with the agreement.

“We feel this will be a great opportunity for Harris County to proactively fix any compliance issues and are happy to assist the county in achieving their goal of making elections accessible for all Texas,’ said Molly Broadway, a voting rights specialist.”

Read the full story in the Houston Chronicle.