Lawsuit: Shortening school days to deal with behavioral issues leads to the segregation of students with disabilities

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“A first of its kind lawsuit charging that the state of Oregon has failed to provide full school days to students with mental, emotional and behavioral disabilities could create a model for other states to stop the practice of shortening school days…

“The problem is not limited to Oregon. Advocates and attorneys in other states, including North and South Dakota, Montana, Maine, New Hampshire, Texas, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Washington state and California, say they have received complaints from parents whose children’s schools days have been shortened without following proper procedures…”

“According to a survey conducted by Easterseals Texas, Disability Rights Texas and Texas Appleseed, early pickup was one of the informal discipline techniques used in K-12 schools throughout the state. Ninety-five percent of the 211 parents surveyed who said their child was experiencing early pickups also said their child had a disability.” 

Read the full story in US News & World Report.