Remote learning special ed litigation lower than expected

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Excerpt: Though disruptions continue and statutes of limitations on missed services have yet to expire in some places, a lawsuit spike hasn’t materialized.

Texas schools also opened up for in-person learning earlier than several other states, Rynders added. “I haven’t really seen a real thirst for wanting to litigate the amount of compensatory services for many families here in Texas,” he said.

Disability Rights Texas did create a sample letter for families to send to their child’s school to request compensatory services.

While the push to make up special education services missed during remote learning hasn’t been notably high, Rynders said families are now dealing with delays in current services due to staff shortages.

“The workforce issues are impacting our clients, maybe more than anything else,” he said. “I have brought it up to some families who were like, ‘What do you mean compensatory? I can’t even get what we’re supposed to get now, much less try to compensate for last year.’”

Read the full Remote learning special ed litigation lower than expected article on the K12 Dive Website.