Texas veteran wants to educate others after being denied service due to guide dog

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From Fox 7 News

Restaurant denies service to veteran with guide dog

“A Bertram veteran said he was denied service at a local restaurant because of his service dog. He’s now on a mission to educate others about laws protecting people with disabilities.

“…String Bean was issued to me through the prosthetics department,” said LeBlanc. “The same place you would go to get crutches or a cane or a wheelchair or whatnot. He is an extension of me, so he’s not a dog in my eyes. He’s a medical device.”

“…According to state law, String Bean should be allowed in. But LeBlanc says he’s used to denial like this.”

“…’A business owner that kicks somebody out could be subject to paying damages, paying that person’s attorney fees for suing them, and costs, and they could be charged with a misdemeanor offense for doing that,’ said Denette Vaughn, an attorney for Disability Rights Texas.”

Read the full article on the Fox 7 News website.