Thank you for your interest in serving on the Disability Rights Texas Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Advisory Council. DRTx’s bylaws cover the specific make-up, duties, powers, terms of office and other details concerning our Council. The Council establishes the duties, powers and terms of office for other positions. The following is a informal summary of information to answer frequently asked questions about the Council.

  1. How many people serve on the PAIMI Advisory Council? A maximum of fifteen (15) individuals serve on the Council.
  2. Who chooses members of the Council? Members are elected to the Council by the PAIMI Advisory Council from completed applications on file.
  3. How long are the terms of each appointment? The terms of council members shall be staggered. Members are eligible for two (2) three-year terms. Persons who have served two (2) three-year terms for a total period of six (6) years may not be re-elected to the Council for a period of two (2) years. The Chair may be elected to serve up to six (6) one (1) year terms. The chair of the PAIMI Advisory Council shall serve on Disability Rights Texas’ Board of Directors during the term of their qualifying position on the Advisory Council.
  4. What are the requirements of Council positions? In general, members of PAIMI Advisory Council reflect the constituency served by Disability Rights Texas. We are mandated by the Federal PAIMI Act, the purpose of which is to assist states to establish and operate a protection and advocacy system for individuals with mental illness and protect and advocate for the rights of such individuals through activities to ensure the enforcement of the Constitution, Federal and State statutes. (Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 10805(a)(6)(A), the Council “…will advise the system on policies and priorities to be carried out in protecting and advocating for the rights of mentally ill individuals…”).Persons with mental illness, family members and professionals are all represented on the Council. DRTx and the PAIMI Advisory Council are committed to appointing members representative of Texas communities and makes efforts to ensure the Council reflects different geographic areas of the state.
  5. How many Council meetings are held each year, and where are they held? There are four meetings held a year. Meetings are usually held in Austin, Texas.
  6. How long are the meetings and what other time obligations are there? Council meetings are scheduled one each quarter on a Saturday. Committees of the Council typically meet by teleconference between meetings. Members usually serve on at least one committee of the Council.
  7. What about expenses for PAIMI Advisory Council members? All travel, room and Council-related expenses connected with the Council meetings are paid for by Disability Rights Texas. The agency also includes reasonable accommodations for Council members with disabilities. Members are not paid an honorarium for their services.
  8. Are there any prohibitions regarding appointments? Generally, if you work for any Texas State Agency or Department (including contract agencies) that provides program services to people with disabilities, you may not be appointed to the Council. A small number of Council members may have an economic or loyalty conflict, and of course, must abstain from voting or deliberating in any action involving whatever causes the conflict.
  9. How do I apply for a position on the PAIMI Advisory Council? You can apply by completing the PAIMI Advisory Council Application. Applications are accepted year-round.
  10. Where can I get more information? Please feel free to call DRTx at (512) 407-2711 or email Angela Ott.