- Are you recovering
from opioid use disorder,
sometimes called OUD,
but now you're having problems
finding a place to live?
Here are three things you need to know.
Number 1, substance
abuse disorders like OUD
are considered a disability
under the Fair Housing Act,
so you do have rights
when it comes to housing.
Number 2, if you find
that a potential landlord
refuses to rent to you because
you are in OUD recovery,
that's illegal, that's discrimination,
but you do have some options.
You can deal with this
by filing a complaint
with the Department of
Housing and Urban Development,
you might know it as HUD,
and also maybe your state or city.
Now, that might sound hard to do,
but in a minute, I'll tell
you how you can call us
to get help with that.
And the third thing you need to know,
if a landlord turns you away
because of a criminal record you have
because of past opioid use,
you can ask for an exception,
or what is called a
reasonable accommodation.
Your letter to your landlord
asking for an exception
should include at least these five things.
First, how OUD impacted your life
and led to the criminal charges.
Next, your date of sobriety.
Also, it's good to include
the steps you've taken
and are still taking to stay sober.
For instance, treatment,
NA meetings or having a sponsor.
Another thing to include
is how having a stable place to live
is critical in helping you to stay clean.
And finally, a letter of support
from a medical or mental health provider,
social worker or someone
who knows you well enough
to explain why you need the accommodation.
My name is Kiah,
and I'm a lawyer with
Disability Rights Texas.
I'm here to let you know
that we have free resources
on our website
to help you with filing a complaint
or writing a letter to a landlord
asking for a reasonable accommodation.
Just visit,
or you can call us for free help
at 1-800-252-9108.
Congratulations on being
on the road to recovery.
Call us if we can help.
End of transcript.