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要翻譯此頁面,請單擊網頁頂部的語言,然後選擇 繁體中文。

Official sources

The English webpages on the Disability Rights Texas (DRTx) website are official information sources for the services and resources we provide. Also, most of our website is translated into Spanish by professional translators. These pages are also considered official information sources from DRTx.

To access official information sources on our website in English or Spanish, click the English or Español toggle in the main navigation bar (look for the flag in the toggle).

Google Translate™ disclaimer

Our website features Google Translate™, a third-party service that provides automated translation and is not controlled by DRTx. Google Translate™ is provided for informational purposes only and DRTx is not able to guarantee the accuracy or reliability of these automated translations.

Google Translate™ is available to translate webpages in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese. Google Translate™ is also available to translate our webpages that haven’t been professionally translated into Spanish.

To use Google Translate™, click the Language dropdown next to the globe at the very top of every webpage.


If you have questions about DRTx website translation options, email or call 737-295-0780.