TEA Places Austin ISD under Conversatorship Due to Failure to Comply with Special Education Law

Posted on

March 31, 2023


Edie Surtees, Communications Director

Laurel Goodroe, Communications and Development Specialist

DRTx Statement on TEA Placement of AISD Under Conservatorship

AUSTIN—Late today Disability Rights Texas (DRTx) learned of the release of a Texas Education Agency Special Investigation Report on Austin ISD and TEA’s intention to place the district under conservatorship for its lack of compliance with federal law in conducting timely evaluations for hundreds and hundreds of students with disabilities.

“We are pleased that TEA is finally taking concrete action to address Austin ISD’s broken special education department,” said Kym Rogers Davis, Litigation Attorney at DRTx. “For years, hundreds and hundreds of students with disabilities have been denied timely evaluations and special education services.  There can be no further delay.  The needs of students must come first, and DRTx believes it will take both TEA and Austin ISD to resolve this crisis.”

Read the TEA Report on AISD to learn more about the allegations, findings, and recommendations.

See the lawsuit filed by DRTx in March 2021 against AISD for its noncompliance regarding evaluations and the letter we recently sent to TEA urging an investigation of AISD.

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About Disability Rights Texas

Disability Rights Texas (previously named Advocacy Inc.) is the federally designated legal protection and advocacy agency (P&A) for people with disabilities in Texas established in 1977. Our mission is to help people with disabilities understand and exercise their rights under the law, ensuring their full and equal participation in society. Visit the Disability Rights Texas website at www.DRTx.org for more information.