Texas Capitol Press Conference to Address Violent Restraint of Texas Students

Posted on

January 17, 2023

Edie Surtees
Communications Director

With Violent Restraint of Texas Students at Alarming Rates, Parents, Advocates, and Legislators Demand Action

WHAT: Press conference to announce legislative and other solutions to end illegal and harmful restraint of our children in public schools.

WHEN: Monday, Jan. 30, 2023, at 9:45 a.m.

WHERE: Room 2W.6 (House Press Room), Texas State Capitol, 1100 Congress Ave, Austin, TX

WHO: Speaking at the event will be:

  • Parents of children whose children have suffered from illegal and harmful restraint in public schools.
  • Advocates with a variety of proposed solutions.
  • Legislators who support laws and other solutions to end this violence against Texas children.

The press conference is hosted by The Arc of Texas, the Autism Society of Texas, Coalition of Texans with Disabilities, Disability Rights Texas, Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, and Texas Parent to Parent.

Speakers will be available for individual media interviews after the press conference.

WHY: Parent and advocate groups alerted the public, school officials, and lawmakers in early 2022 in a statement about their concerns with the recent rash of school staff arrests for violence against Texas children with disabilities. The groups asked for a list of measures to be enacted and called on state leaders for an immediate response to the ongoing problem.

A year later, these groups, and now legislators, are still alarmed at the continued illegal and harmful restraint of Texas students and are taking action to end it.

(Full press release with more information on the issue will be published and sent to media on the Friday before the press conference.)

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