Brief Filed Today in Mask Mandate Ban Case Urges Court to Protect Vulnerable Students

Posted on

August 14, 2021

Edie Surtees, Communications Director

Brief Filed Today in Mask Mandate Ban Case Urges Court to Protect Students with Disabilities

AUSTIN—Disability Rights Texas and pro bono law partner Winston & Strawn LLP filed an amicus brief today with the Supreme Court of Texas in a case regarding the Governor’s ban on mask mandates.

The brief states, “Students with disabilities need in-person schooling even more than any other student group, but they must be able to receive instruction and services safely. As many of these students have underlying health conditions and are at high risk for illness and even death due to COVID-19, local counties and school districts should not be prevented from taking measures designed to protect their most vulnerable children and allow those students to safely return to school this year.”

Read the full brief or see the attachment below.

Attached documents