For information related to this topic that is provided in American Sign Language (ASL), visit our Employment and VR Services Videos in ASL Page.

We protect the rights of people with disabilities in a range of work environments. These efforts include things like:

  • Helping people get services from the state vocational rehabilitation (VR) program through our Client Assistance Program (CAP)
  • Assisting people with the Social Security Administration’s “Ticket to Work” program
  • Ensuring employers do not discriminate because of a person’s disability

If you are unable to get the accommodations you need at work, experiencing disability discrimination at work, or having problems getting employment services from Texas Workforce Solutions, read about how to apply for our services.

(If you want to apply for services from Texas Vocational Rehabilitation, please visit their website or call them at 1-800-628-5115.)

Featured Resources

Asking for an Accommodation at Work

Do you need to request an accommodation to remove a barrier at work? Our Workplace Accommodation Request Tool can help. Continue reading “Asking for an Accommodation at Work”

Client Assistance Program (CAP) In Texas

If you are a person who has a disability, DRTx’s Client Assistance Program (CAP) may be able to help you reach your goals to live more independently and go to work. CAP helps people who are getting services, or who are trying to get services, from the Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program and the Independent Living Centers. Continue reading “Client Assistance Program (CAP) In Texas”


10 Self-Advocacy Tips

Self-advocacy is when you let others know what’s important to you so you can influence decisions that will affect your life. Continue reading “10 Self-Advocacy Tips”

Sample Medical Documentation for Workplace Accommodations

This handout includes three different sample letters healthcare professionals can customize for patients who are seeking workplace accommodations. Continue reading “Sample Medical Documentation for Workplace Accommodations”

PABSS: Choose a Pathway to Work

The Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS) program protects the legal rights of Social Security beneficiaries in their efforts to secure, maintain, and regain employment. Learn how the program can help you. Continue reading “PABSS: Choose a Pathway to Work”

Vocational Rehabilitation System in Texas

The vocational rehabilitation (VR) program in Texas provides services that help people who have disabilities prepare for, keep, or get a job. This handout covers how to get VR services, what’s involved in the process, and how to handle problems with the VR system. Continue reading “Vocational Rehabilitation System in Texas”

Client Assistance Program and Transition Services

The Client Assistance Program (CAP) works to make sure that students who have disabilities leave school prepared for jobs in the community, a place to live, or readiness to participate in adult services. Learn about how CAP can help students who have disabilities transition from school to community life. Continue reading “Client Assistance Program and Transition Services”

Employment Discrimination

This handout answers many questions related to employment discrimination for people with disabilities. Some of the broad topics that are covered in-depth include information about the law, specific kinds of discrimination to be aware of, and how to file a complaint or a lawsuit. Continue reading “Employment Discrimination”

Employment Advice for People with Psychiatric Disabilities

This handout provides answers to various questions related to employment for people who experience psychiatric disabilities. Topics covered include what the law says, how to get a job, disclosing information, reasonable accommodations, and more. Continue reading “Employment Advice for People with Psychiatric Disabilities”


Living on a Dime and Left Behind

Today, most employers paying subminimum wage under Section 14(c) keep their employees segregated from the community. Workers with disabilities making subminimum wage are employed in sheltered workshops, which intentionally isolate workers with disabilities from the rest of their communities. Continue reading “Living on a Dime and Left Behind”


Employment Rights: Asking for an Accommodation

Learn what you need to know about asking for an accommodation at work, including the laws that apply, who’s covered, and more. Watch the video “Employment Rights: Asking for an Accommodation”

Medical Documentation for Accommodation Requests

Learn about four things medical professionals need to know when providing medical documentation for accommodation requests. Watch the video “Medical Documentation for Accommodation Requests”

Get Help with Employment and Independent Living Services

Our Client Assistance Program can help you navigate employment services and live more independently. Watch the video “Get Help with Employment and Independent Living Services”

DRTx Legal Tips: Employment Rights

In this video, a Disability Rights Texas attorney explains some of the basic employment rights of veterans and others with disabilities. The attorney covers what to do if you face discrimination and how employers are supposed to accommodate disabilities in the workplace. Watch the video “DRTx Legal Tips: Employment Rights”

Employment Discrimination Issues

Discrimination in the workplace because you are deaf is illegal. This video about employment discrimination provides examples of discrimination, discusses how to file a complaint, and highlights important deadlines. Watch the video “Employment Discrimination Issues”

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