Walmart is getting rid of greeters. Here’s why the disabled community is outraged

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“One of the country’s most recognizable retail jobs might soon be no more, and the disabled community is reacting. Walmart, the biggest employer in the United States, is phasing out its store greeter position…[Elizabeth] De La Cruz started working as a greeter at Sam’s Club in 2015 and had been in the position for two and a half years before transferring to a Walmart store. The store she was transferred to had started the transitional pilot program for customer hosts. A week after she started at her new store, De La Cruz was was told by her employer that she couldn’t use her chair. When the store failed to grant her a reasonable accommodation, she was put on leave of absence a month after her transfer…De La Cruz has been on a leave of absence since 2017.”

Read the full story from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.