Reporters interested in leveraging the extensive disability rights expertise of our attorneys, advocates, or policy specialists are encouraged to contact our Communications Department at (512) 407-2739 or to schedule an interview at least 24 hours in advance. Please include your deadline for speaking with our staff in your voice mail or email.

Take a few minutes to learn about reporting on and writing about disability issues. For instance, statements like “people with disabilities” and “uses a wheelchair” are preferred instead of “the disabled” or “wheelchair bound.” For more information, see Communicating About People with Disabilities from the National Disability Rights Network and How to Report with Care On Disability from the New York Times.

DOJ SSLC Monitoring Reports

Disability Rights Texas Selects New Board Members, Officers for 2019

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Disability Rights Texas (DRTx), the legal protection and advocacy agency for people with disabilities in Texas, has elected new officers and appointed new members to its board of directors for fiscal year 2019. New Board Officers include Tresi Weeks, Chair; Jessica Toste, Vice Chair; Brook Roberts, Secretary; and Joseph Muniz, Immediate Past Chair. New to the Board are Brandon Duke of Houston, Mary Keller Alexander of Valley View (in North Texas), Karen Hale of Austin, and Amanda Lee Storer of Tyler. Board members continuing to serve are Richard Anderson of Austin, Michael Cichowicz of Tyler, Anna Gray of San Antonio, Bola Oyeleye of Houston, Christian Salas of El Paso, Todd Whitaker of Lubbock, and Stephania Williams of Killeen. Continue reading “Disability Rights Texas Selects New Board Members, Officers for 2019”

Texas in Violation of Federal Education Law for Second Time, Likely a Third

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The U.S. Department of Education decision that the TEA had short changed students with disabilities in state aid in the 2011-2012 school year is not an isolated violation of federal law.  In a review of the state’s most recent application for a federal special education grant, Disability Rights Texas has uncovered that TEA budget officials acknowledge that under the U.S. Department of Education standard for state special education outlays, Texas did not spend at the appropriate rate on students with disabilities in the 2016-2017 school year. Continue reading “Texas in Violation of Federal Education Law for Second Time, Likely a Third”