Mother Fights for Her Son to get Critical Education Services

Tiffany and son Bradley

“I’ll never forget the morning when my 6-year-old son stopped at the door, turned and looked at me, and said, 

“’Mom, why am I like this? I don’t want to be like this. Please don’t send me to school.’ My son had been struggling with suicidal thoughts for a while. After trying for two years without success to work with the school, things were getting worse.”

“Once I found DRTx and applied for services, it didn’t take long to hear back and for our advocate to dive right in. She was able to work with the school to get what my son needed. He has made so many gains academically that he was able to advance to second grade and is feeling confident, happy and eager to be with other kids at school. When an organization like DRTx is able to get what a child needs during their educational years, it completely changes their future. I believe what they do saves lives.”

– Tiffany E.


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